Campus Communications

A mustang trots on a hillside at sunset. The Cal Poly campus can be seen in the distance.


This page will be updated as announcements pertaining to the semester conversion are shared. For internal messages, please visit the Semester Conversion Sharepoint Site. (Cal Poly login required.)


Spring 2024

March 15, 2024: "Cal Poly is moving to semesters: The continued success of students is our highest priority."

Mustang News advertisement

In fall 2026, Cal Poly will switch from the quarter system to the semester system. The semester calendar allows for more in-depth learning, increased opportunities for projects and Learn by Doing, as well as more time to develop closer relationships between faculty and students. It will also give students greater access to internships and study abroad opportunities. For more information and for resources to support students throughout the transition, visit

If you have questions or concerns and would like to talk with the Director of Semester Conversion, Dr. Rachel Fernflores, she will hold Zoom office hours for incoming students and their supporters on Tuesdays, 12-1 p.m., each week beginning Tuesday, April 16, 2024 until and including Tuesday, May 28, 2024 ( You can also reach her via email at


Benefits to Students:

Cal Poly

Cal Poly is the final Cal State university to make this shift. The semester system is used by most colleges and universities in the United States and abroad, the transition to semesters will give Cal Poly students greater access to internships and study abroad opportunities. It will also allow easier collaboration with outside institutions for both students and faculty.

Converting to a semester system will allow an increased time for quality teaching, expanded projects and more consistent class schedules. It will also be easier to collaborate with research partners at outside institutions.  In addition, many staff members business practices are streamlined and in full partnership with the faculty. 

Tools to Help Students plan:

  • The Degree Progress Report is in the portal and lists the courses that a student has completed and still needs to complete.
  • The University Catalog contains important information on course requirements, course descriptions, prerequisites, General Education, and important university policies and procedures.
  • Curriculum sheets and flowcharts for your major are important online tools to help students stay on track toward graduation. They can be found at

Actions that students can begin now:

  1. Consult curriculum sheets and flowcharts to plot your required courses from now to graduation.
  2. Review your degree progress report in your student Portal.  This report helps to identify requirements already completed and what needs to still be scheduled in future terms.
  3. Pay attention to advice from advisors and other professionals to ensure that you are on track for graduation.
  4. Take advantage of opportunities for internships, research, and mentoring.
  5. Enjoy your time at Cal Poly!

Please continue to watch for updates and plan for this transition happening Fall 2026.  The semester conversion website will be updated throughout the conversion and can be found at


Fall 2023

November 17, 2023: "Semester Conversion Update"

Email from Rachel Fernflores, Director of Semester Conversion

Dear Faculty Colleagues, 


I want to give you an update on some Q2S items that are of special interest to faculty. Please read this email for updates on: curriculum quarter-semester comparisons, bridge and cap courses, articulation agreements, 7.5-week courses, compensation for work on courses and programs, and Q2S consultant work.

Curriculum Quarter-Semester Comparisons

The semester conversion team is preparing draft comparisons of your quarter programs to your semester programs. This project issued from anticipated advising needs. The comparisons also present an opportunity to ask you some questions, the answers to which are going to help us with planning the conversion (e.g., which courses are likely to need articulation agreements?).

We are on schedule to have a comparison for each undergraduate program by the end of winter quarter. When they are complete, I will be sending them to your department chair/head and your department curriculum committee chair for review, correction, and responses to our questions. With curriculum review still in medias res, some aspects of the programs and courses may change from the time we started working on the comparisons, which was this past September.

Bridge and Cap Courses

We can work on proposing bridge and cap courses when the curriculum is approved, which is on track to be the end of winter quarter 2025. The course content in bridge and cap courses should be content that was approved in the curricular review process. Aaron Keen and I are working with the Academic Senate Chair, Academic Senate Curriculum Committee Chair and the Office of the Registrar to develop simple and uncomplicated processes for bridge and cap proposals and their curriculum review. We are also working on a set of criteria to identify the need for bridge and cap courses. Not all series of courses will need bridge and cap courses. Once these policies are approved, we can share them with you.

Articulation Agreements

We can work on articulation agreements once the curriculum is approved. For now, we can discuss within our departments which of our semester courses need articulation agreements. The sooner we can identify them the smoother the process will be. Next quarter and in spring I will set up some articulation agreement meetings so that faculty members can consult with our experts in the Office of the Registrar on process and timing.

7.5-Week Courses

You will recall that the Academic Senate approved a resolution in spring 2022 calling for two back-to-back 7.5-week courses that would be offered within one 15-week semester. During the last academic year, I formed a 7.5-week workgroup to develop some draft parameters for offering 7.5-week courses.

As I have discussed in several settings, the workgroup learned that there are operational challenges to offering these courses, particularly the second 7.5-week courses in a semester. For some context regarding operational challenges, a semester is coded as a term in our technological system. Several automated jobs run at the end of a term, such as GPA calculations, assessment of fees, and financial aid. 7.5-week courses are additional modules in the system. The jobs that run at the end of a term do not run at the end of the first 7.5-week module and must be managed manually.

Despite a great deal of thought and creativity while developing parameters for 7.5-week course offerings, we have not been able to discern a way of automating those mid-semester processes. We have also consulted with other universities who have shorter courses within semesters, but they too have not identified how to automate mid-semester processes. In addition, we have learned that even if we set aside the issue of automation of processes, there will be financial aid implications for students regarding the second 7.5-week courses in a semester that we need to study more and for which we need to prepare. Consequently, the 7.5-week workgroup recommended to the provost and president that we offer only the first 7.5-week courses in fall and spring semester and not the second in each semester. Pending how things go in the first few years on semesters, this determination may be reconsidered. The president and provost have recently accepted and approved our recommendation.

If you are interested in the draft parameters we developed for offering 7.5-week courses please consult the presentation I gave at the Academic Senate retreat. You will find both the parameters and the recommendation therein.

Compensation for Course and Program Work

Most faculty members should have received some or all of their compensation for work on courses and programs. The type of payment faculty members are receiving is called a “Faculty Service Payment.” Faculty service payments are limited to $6,000 a month, so if you earned an amount in excess of $6,000, you will receive the balance in subsequent months. Faculty service payments are not issued in November for tax reasons.

Q2S Consultant Work: Non-Academic Aspects of the Conversion

It is as big a job to convert the many non-academic aspects of our university as it is to convert the curriculum for semesters. Last year we engaged with Huron Consulting who in three months did a fit-gap analysis of our functional and technical systems to learn what needs to change for semesters. This summer after reviewing their analysis we re-engaged Huron Consulting. We will be working with them for the duration of the conversion to ensure that our non-academic policies and systems are updated and adjusted for semesters. That work is well underway. Once the curriculum is approved, Huron will help us with curriculum equivalencies and other similar items.

Thank you for your continued efforts toward a successful Q2S conversion. Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss any of these items or additional items.


Rachel Fernflores
Professor, Philosophy and Women's, Gender and Queer Studies Department
Director of Semester Conversion

Winter 2023

February 23, 2023: "Semester Conversion Project"

Email from Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dear Campus Community, 

I am writing to provide an update on the semester conversion project. I want to acknowledge and thank the faculty and academic departments for the curricular work that has been taking place this academic year in drafting semester-based academic program proposals. I appreciate how hard faculty members have been working on making the semester curriculum more transfer friendly, and with diversity, equity, and inclusion and sustainability components where possible.  

I am pleased to share with you that the university has engaged with Sia Partners on the semester conversion project in the next phase of converting the university’s systems and business practices. Beginning this month, the Sia Partners team will lead the following efforts to support conversion to a semester calendar:  

  • Campus Project Plan that is in full alignment with the academic conversion plan led by Dr. Rachel Fernflores, director of Semester Conversion.  
  • Change Strategy to identify, engage and inform all campus groups affected by the forthcoming transition. 

As part of the Sia Partners approach, they will begin reaching out in the coming weeks to initiate conversations across campus. More information about the semester project can be found at

Thank you for your commitment, early engagement, and cooperation with Sia Partners as they support our campus community with this conversion. Together we look forward to Cal Poly’s successful transition to a semester calendar in Fall 2026. 


Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Ph.D. 
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs 

February 7, 2023: "Viewing Access to Draft Academic Program Proposals"

Email from Rachel Fernflores, Director of the Semester Conversion

Dear Colleagues, 

The Academic Senate faculty deadline to upload draft academic program proposals was Friday, Jan. 27. You now all have view-only access to all of the files from all colleges through the semesters Sharepoint site. Your view-only access to the files should not impact editing privileges you have, but in the event that it does, please contact me at

Please note that my colleagues and I have started to build out the semester conversion website, which will expand its content over the next few years as we lead up to semesters.

On that site, under “Conversion Materials” you will find links to the Sharepoint site I list above, along with a file containing all 2021-22 approved CLOs, as well as the curriculum checklist. Over the next several weeks we will be adding examples of course proposals and other tools to this site. 

The program and curriculum timeline (developed and approved by the Academic Senate) is also available through this site.

As you begin to work on your courses, please be sure to pay attention to the internal college deadlines for those courses.  

For the rest of the quarter, I will hold regular zoom office hours on Thursdays from 11:10 a.m. - noon at Please feel free to drop in or, if that time does not work for you, let me know and we can find a time to meet that fits with your schedule.  

Best wishes,

Rachel Fernflores
Professor, Philosophy and Women’s, Gender & Queer Studies
Director of Semester Conversion 


Spring 2022

June 7, 2022: "Stipend Program for Semester Academic Program Plan Proposals"

Email from Rachel Fernflores, Director of the Semester Conversion

Dear Faculty Colleagues,


Thank you for the work that many of you have done already as you have been discussing and thinking about converting your curriculum for semesters. In addition, thank you for the invitations to speak with you in department meetings and in other contexts.

As many of you know, on May 31, 2022, the Academic Senate approved a curricular review process that begins with each department creating an academic program plan for converting the curriculum to semesters, which will be due to college curriculum committees on January 27, 2023. I am in the late stages of developing an academic program plan proposal template that will be provided to departments.

I know you have planned your summers already. In several departments, part of the summer plan is to work on draft academic program plans to have them ready for discussion at fall retreats.

Today we are announcing a faculty stipend program for faculty who wish to work through summer to complete draft academic program plan proposals for semester conversion. Departments will receive stipends for major programs and graduate degrees adjusted for the type and complexity of the programs. There will also be smaller stipends for concentrations, minors, specializations, credentials, and special cases such as ensembles, bands, and choirs in music. Ideally, each department will have a point person for each type of academic program.

The stipend program is an opt-in for summer work. For departments that do not plan to work on draft academic program plans this summer, the stipends will be available for the faculty members who work on those plans in the fall.

I know very well and firsthand what week 11 of spring quarter is like. I apologize for getting this announcement to you so late. In spite of much planning, there have been several outstanding questions and concerns that have delayed releasing news about the stipend program to support concrete planning for how to convert our curriculum to semesters.

Please contact me with any questions you have. Your department chairs will receive additional information from deans’ offices.


Rachel Fernflores
Director of Semester Conversion

April 7, 2022: "Semesters, Open House+"

Email from Rachel Fernflores, Director of the Semester Conversion

Dear Department Chairs and Heads,


This note includes few updates about semester conversion. Sorry about the length!

First, I prepared some talking points about the conversion for open house that you can use or not use, obviously, at your discretion. I’ve attached them here. They’re intended to be helpful particularly for the incoming students next year who will likely transition to semesters. I realize that is not a huge group, but there will be some students in that situation.

Second, Helen Bailey, Stuart Fryer and I are working on a meeting for the faculty members who handle articulation agreements. The meeting will be on zoom the morning of Friday, April 22. I will put it on your calendars this week. If you are not the person who handles articulation agreements in your department, can you let the person who does know of the meeting? Stuart has some tools he wants to make available to you for articulation purposes. He’ll share them at the meeting.

Third, we are compiling a list of faculty advisors (“we” — Aaron, Shannon Sullivan-Danser, and me). I’ll share a link to a OneDrive with tabs listing your programs a little later as we are still working on the files. If you could enter your department faculty advisor information into the appropriate files we would really appreciate it. We can make any necessary adjustments to the files in the fall.

Fourth, we have a draft curriculum survey that I want to test with some faculty members before sending it out, but please keep an eye out for that over the next few weeks. I’ll be sending it to your department curriculum committee chairs and copying you.

Fifth, we’ve adjusted the timeline for conversion in light of the much needed extension. We will now have a bit more time to think about our programs and our courses. I have set up some webinars to talk with faculty and staff about the new timeline for the first week of May (after the accreditation site visit). You’ll see the webinars listed in the CP Report.

In the meantime, if your department wants to begin initial programmatic conversion discussions before the end of the quarter and would find it useful if Aaron or I were to meet with your faculty, let us know. I met with several departments in winter quarter and Aaron has been meeting with people in CENG. We would be happy to visit again departments with whom we have already talked or with other departments. Additionally, some departments have asked for examples of converted programs, which we have been providing. If that would be useful to you please let us know. I have attached an example of a quarter-semester comparison here that we provided to the Music Department at their request. These comparisons are just examples that in no way should be interpreted as suggestions as to how you should convert your programs.

There are obviously still many unknowns, but we are closer to knowing some things. The Academic Senate ad hoc committee working on recommendations for the length of the semesters, the average units for most courses, and the curricular review processes, is likely to start sending resolutions to the Academic Senate Executive Committee, then the full Senate, over the next few weeks. We can talk about those resolutions in the webinars the first week of May.

Finally, if it is useful to you, there is a page with links to program proposals on the Cal Poly Pomona site ( One does not need to authenticate to look at those proposals.

Best wishes,

Rachel Fernflores



Winter 2022

March 11, 2022: "Semester Conversion Update"

Email from Rachel Fernflores, Director of the Semester Conversion, and Aaron Keen, faculty fellow

Dear Colleagues,


We are writing to you today to provide a short update on our conversion to semesters. We continue to work with faculty and staff across all segments of the university to prepare the groundwork for converting. We have been meeting with departments that have requested discussions, working on plans for articulation agreements and advising, and developing a proposal for the compensation model for converting the curriculum. If your department would like to meet with us, please contact us.

As you know, the Office of the Chancellor has given us a one-year extension to convert to semesters, so we have adjusted the timeline. Faculty and staff now have more time to discuss and develop the semester version of their programs. Early in spring quarter, we will share more details about the adjusted timeline. We will also continue our conversations with faculty and staff to ensure they have the support they need.

This spring, the Academic Senate ad hoc semester conversion committee will bring to the Academic Senate resolutions regarding the length of the semester, course unit and scheduling models, and curriculum approval processes for converted curriculum.

Early this spring quarter, we will announce dates for specific webinars and meetings related to semester conversion. We will also begin distributing concrete suggestions and best practices based on our study of other campuses' semester curricular conversions and our own unique campus goals. For example, by working with campus experts on articulation agreements and advising, along with others, we are creating best practices that academic departments can adopt for converting their programs.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or conversion-related requests (; 756-2330).


Rachel Fernflores, Director of Semester Conversion

Aaron Keen, Faculty Fellow

March 2, 2022: "Update on Cal Poly's Semester Conversion"

Email from Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dear Campus Community,


This note is to let you know that Cal Poly has been granted a one-year extension on our conversion to semesters. Our first semester was originally scheduled to be fall 2025; it will now be fall 2026.

We requested an extension due to new curricular developments related to AB 928, which is an assembly bill approved by the legislature last fall. AB 928 is designed to allow for a common general education transfer pathway from community colleges to both California State University and University of California institutions. We have recently learned that a new CSU GE executive order is expected, probably during summer 2024. Because that timeline would not give us time to develop our local GE template and convert our GE curriculum for a fall 2025 semester, we were granted an extension. Please consult the CSU AB 928 timeline here. (Update August 2024: Please find information related to the new, unified GE pathway here.)

The prospect of a new GE executive order in line with AB 928 may raise many questions. At this stage we do not know what the new executive order will say. We will be watching all phases of the AB 928 GE timeline closely in order to learn more about the common GE.

Dr. Rachel Fernflores and I are working together to develop an adjusted timeline for converting to semesters for fall 2026. She will be reaching out with that timeline over the next few weeks.

This is an important development as the semester conversion process will impact the entire campus.

Thank you for the hard work you have already done toward converting to semesters. The work of those involved thus far, our collective forward momentum, in addition to the CSU AB 928 timeline, have all made our case for an extension compelling. The continued support for our semester conversion leadership team is greatly appreciated. Your efforts, commitment, collegiality and careful consideration of the conversion process in the early stages of the semester conversion have been exceptional. We look forward to the continued engagement and can-do approach.

In closing, let me state again that, as of March 1, 2022, Cal Poly has been granted a one-year extension on our semester conversion process. Our first term on a semester calendar will be fall 2026.


Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Ph.D.

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs


Fall 2021

November 20, 2021: "Semester Conversion Faculty Fellows"

Email from Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to share with you that two of our faculty colleagues will serve as faculty fellows focused on Cal Poly’s quarter to semester conversion process. Earlier this quarter, we shared an update on this conversion’s timeline. You can find this update on the Office of the Provost website.

Dr. Rachel Fernflores, professor of philosophy, serving as director of semester conversion, will lead the conversion process with the assistance of Dr. Aaron Keen, professor of computer science. They will lead Academic Affairs through the semester conversion process, researching and bringing forward best practices from other universities and coordinating with other divisions on campus.

They will collaborate closely with the Academic Senate and its committees, along with the college and department curriculum committees, and will work together with campus constituents to convert processes including curriculum, advising, registrar, financial aid, admissions, and others to align with the semester calendar.

Dr. Fernflores has a long history of shared governance and curricular reform. As chair of the Academic Senate for three years, she successfully led several curriculum-related projects, including bringing general education back into the purview of the Academic Senate, creating the General Education Governance Board, and creating a curriculum appeals process. More recently, she chaired several general education area C workgroups for GE 2020. She also has administrative service, serving as interim chief of staff in the Office of the President, along with multiple terms as a faculty fellow in the Office of the Provost and the Office of the President.

In addition, Dr. Fernflores chaired a task force charged with studying conversion from quarters to semesters in consultation with campus constituents in 2012. For that effort, she studied the conversion process at several universities, including CSU Los Angeles, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Ohio University, learning from each process what might work for Cal Poly.

Dr. Keen has been involved in several curricular reform and assessment efforts in his 20 years at Cal Poly. He has chaired the Computer Science and Software Engineering Curriculum Committee and served on the College of Engineering Curriculum Committee since 2009, becoming chair of the latter in 2019. He also serves on the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee and previously was a member of the General Education Governance Board. He has been recognized for his efforts in the classroom as an awardee of the 2020 Distinguished Teaching Award.

For this project, Dr. Fernflores and Dr. Keen can be reached at They welcome your thoughts and questions on this important effort.

As we move through this important transition, I am grateful to Dr. Fernflores and Dr. Keen for their willingness to serve in these roles. I am confident they will be excellent, thoughtful stewards of our conversion to semesters.


Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

October 18, 2021: "Message regarding Semester Transition"

Email from the Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, Academic Senate chair, and college deans

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to follow up on President Armstrong’s note to campus this morning. While all three of the initiatives outlined in the president’s message will have implications for Academic Affairs, today we would like to share additional information about our university’s move to a semester calendar and what it means for our division. This is a major undertaking that will require careful, focused and intensive attention and resources. Over this four-year process, we will work to assist faculty and staff in having resources to aid them in preparing for their classes and operations to transition.

As we proceed through this historic transition, it is important that we all be flexible in our approach and open to new ideas. This is an opportunity to review and discuss our curriculum, simplify academic pathways for our transfer students, as well as continue to support and enhance the Teacher-Scholar Model and Learn by Doing — all while retaining the variety of our learning outcomes. Most importantly, we ask that everyone approach preparing for this transition with the success of our students top of mind.

To meet Chancellor Castro’s expectation that semester conversion be implemented by the start of the 2025-26 academic year, we anticipate the process to be as follows. Over the remainder of this academic year and into next summer, we will gather best practices in converting from quarters to semesters from other CSU campuses that recently made the change. We will also identify our own unique challenges to semester conversion in all divisions and develop creative strategies and plans to overcome those challenges. We should be prepared to have a conversion plan in place by spring 2022 so that in the summer, we can lay the groundwork for conversion process to begin in fall of 2022.

Over the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic years, we will need to map our curriculum to the semester system and design our current and new courses to account for this change. In the 2024-25 academic year, these changes will be reviewed in close partnership with the Academic Senate and additional stakeholders and our catalog will be updated.  We are open to considering potentially streamlined curricular review processes where appropriate, as well as additional strategies that will enable the campus to be successful in this effort.

We understand there will be many questions and concerns regarding this change and this will be a campuswide effort. As our plans solidify and the work progresses, we will continue to share information on the transition and provide ways for our campus community to engage in the process. As Chancellor Castro stated, this is a decision that has been made in order to achieve student success, equity on campus, and institutional efficiency. There will be challenges on this road, but we have every confidence in our university community to meet and rise above them. 


Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Thomas D. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Chair, Academic Senate
Professor, Physics Department

Andrew J. Thulin, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Christine Theodoropoulos, AIA, PE
Dean, College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Amy S. Fleischer, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Engineering

Philip J. Williams, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Liberal Arts

Damon M. Fleming, Ph.D., CFA
Dean, Orfalea College of Business

Dean E. Wendt, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Science and Mathematics

October 18, 2021: "Important Announcements for the Campus Community"

Email from Jeffrey D. Armstrong, President

Click here for a printable version of President Armstrong's letter.


To the Campus Community:

I am writing to share a number of important updates with you. As you may have heard during my Fall Convocation address, there are many reasons to be optimistic about Cal Poly’s future. However, realizing our full potential requires us to take some important actions today.

Campus Fees
I have long advocated that improving our financial aid and scholarship programs is essential to fulfilling our ambitious student success goals. Currently, we are more expensive for low-income California students than UC campuses, after adjusting for financial aid and scholarships. This prevents many high-achieving, low-income students from choosing to enroll at Cal Poly. This is not a sustainable situation, and it requires action. We have a responsibility as a public university to act to become more accessible to all Californians. In addition, we must enhance our ability to recruit and retain faculty and staff, and strengthen our overall financial stability as an institution.

Given these needs, we will be initiating a shared-governance process through the Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) to review and significantly revise our campus fee structure for new students starting Fall 2022. Additional information will be provided following review by CFAC, the Academic Senate Budget and Long-Range Planning Committee and ASI leadership.

The positive impacts of this additional funding would be experienced by all students and colleges while increasing the diversity of the student body and improving the quality of their Learn by Doing education.

Information provided in the future will also detail the relationship of this proposal to Cal Poly Scholars and the Cal Poly Opportunity Fee. For a report on this program, please select this link.

Quarters to Semesters
On a different but equally important topic, many of you are aware that almost a decade ago the CSU Chancellor’s Office asked all quarter-calendar campuses to transition to a semester calendar. Today, Cal Poly is the last CSU campus remaining on a quarter system.

Chancellor Castro has informed me that he expects the university to transition to semesters by the 2025-26 academic year. The communication below from the chancellor details the rationale and provides direction for Cal Poly.

The chancellor outlines three primary reasons why a semester-based calendar will be beneficial to our students. First, a semester calendar will better allow us to address some important articulation and equity issues; second, it will enhance student success in several areas, such as summer internship start and end dates and study abroad; and third, we can achieve greater administrative efficiency both locally at Cal Poly and more widely as part of the CSU system.

I believe Chancellor Castro raises valid points regarding the benefits of adopting semesters. I share his concern about Cal Poly being perceived – rightly or wrongly – as needing to address issues of equitable access and student success. In addition to the considerations he raises, I see this as an opportunity to: achieve greater pedagogical depth in courses at all levels; retain some fast-paced courses by having terms of variable lengths, as we do during summer; rethink how to balance teaching and research for faculty; and revisit curricular priorities across the curriculum.

For all of those reasons, I support the chancellor’s requirement that Cal Poly begin the process of adopting a semester-based calendar.

Transfer Students
As part of our effort to serve the people of California, I am also announcing that we are beginning an effort to enhance Cal Poly’s accessibility to transfer students. I have every confidence that we can expand opportunities to a broader spectrum of qualified students while continuing our tradition of excellence, our focus on student success and our emphasis on Learn by Doing.

Executive Vice President and Provost Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Interim Vice President Terrance Harris and our academic deans will lead this initiative, which will include an enhanced partnership with Allan Hancock Community College, the community college in our region that serves the highest percentage of local students.

We are hopeful that this partnership will serve as a model that can be expanded to other community colleges throughout the state. It should be noted that alignment with our community college partners to facilitate transfer is another reason it is important for us to support the chancellor’s direction that we move to the semester system.

I realize the initiatives announced today are significant and will in some way impact every member of the campus community. I urge you to carefully read and review the chancellor’s letter and additional documents we will provide in the future. In doing so, I think you will agree that, collectively, these efforts, along with financial support from the CSU, will provide the groundwork to catapult Cal Poly toward an even brighter tomorrow — with enhanced student success driven by Learn by Doing and a fully implemented teacher-scholar model with additional tenure-track faculty (allowing for more time in research and other experiences with small groups of students).

As previously noted, campus leadership will engage in deep and collaborative conversations with CFAC and in accordance with shared governance as these initiatives are discussed and take shape. I will regularly communicate additional details as they become available.

In closing, I want to emphasize that while change can initially feel uncomfortable, these significant changes are essential to Cal Poly’s brightest future. Indeed, they are part of our path forward and upward.


Jeffrey D. Armstrong


Click here for a printable version of Chancellor Castro's letter.

 Letter from Chancellor Joseph I. Castro:


October 13, 2021

President Jeffrey D. Armstrong
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo |  California | 93407

Dear President Armstrong:

Many thanks again for your hospitality and Cal Poly’s engagement during my virtual campus visit this past spring. One of Cal Poly’s strength has been its comprehensive polytechnic mission, which serves the entire state. As I stated last spring, I am excited about your future – your capability and capacity to serve more California students. I also reflect on something I have heard you state on many occasions: Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing – Ready-Day-One experience will not be complete until Cal Poly better represents the demographics of California.

I am writing to you today about a topic that arose briefly during my visit: Cal Poly’s quarter-system calendar. I am aware that the last time this issue was raised a few years ago, you were a strong advocate for retaining the quarter system. I also know that the Cal Poly community has had strong feelings about this issue when it has been raised. If this were an issue that only affected your campus, I would be inclined to leave it alone. But because the question of Cal Poly’s calendar affects students at other CSU campuses and at California’s community colleges, I cannot treat it as a purely local concern. Moreover, when this was discussed in 2012, there were six of the 23 campuses on quarter calendars.

Today, Cal Poly is the only CSU remaining on a quarter calendar. After much thought, and after watching the success of the other CSU campuses that have recently transitioned from quarters to semesters, I am resolute that the time has come for Cal Poly to adopt the semester system. It is my expectation that the transition will be implemented by the start of the 2025-26 academic year.

There are three main reasons why Cal Poly using a semester-based calendar will be beneficial:

1) Articulation and Equity – Adopting the same calendar as 113 of the 116 California community colleges will make it easier for students to transfer from a community college to Cal Poly, mostly by making articulation of courses easier but also creating opportunities for dual enrollment. This presents Cal Poly with the opportunity to enhance articulation of courses benefiting transfer students.

As you know, I am a passionate advocate for making that transition as easy as possible, because so many first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented-minority students begin their careers at a community college and then transfer to a CSU campus to finish their baccalaureate degree. Every barrier we can remove, consistent with providing excellent education, means that equitable access to the CSU is improved.

2) Student Success – Students on the quarter system often find that internships or summer jobs are established with the expectation that students will be done with school in early to mid-May, as opposed to the quarter system’s early to mid-June. This puts some opportunities out of reach entirely, or requires awkward workarounds like separate final exams, completing the last week or two of classes remotely, and so on. The same is true of study-abroad programs offered by other universities (90% of which, in the U.S., use semester-based calendars) as well as the CSU’s own fully online courses program. Finally, some students find the transition from semester-based high schools or community colleges to the quarter system to be very difficult—the quarter system moves at a very fast pace. Moving to semesters creates new opportunities for student success.

3) Administrative Efficiency – Under the quarter system, many administrative tasks—such as verifying vaccination status, calculating academic progress, completing financial aid reporting, hiring and on-boarding part-time faculty, and many others—need to be done three times a year rather than twice. Further, efforts to centralize and coordinate shared or common administrative tasks among campuses are more difficult and less efficient when campuses are on different calendars. As stewards of public funds, and of funds paid by our students as tuition and fees, we have a duty to be as efficient and prudent as possible.

As I mentioned the pace of quarters, I want to recognize that your task force report from 2012 noted two pedagogical benefits of quarters – pace and variety of courses. Both of these benefits can be retained following the transformational shift to semesters. Following your shared governance processes on campus, there is flexibility for courses to be broken into shorter lengths during a given semester. I am aware that your current summer quarter offers courses that are 5, 8 and 10 weeks long. There are also other universities (e.g., University of Arizona) where this practice has demonstrated positive results.

I would also like to address a few possible concerns. As you know, over the past 10 or so years, five CSU campuses have successfully transitioned from quarters to semesters: CSU Bakersfield, CSU Los Angeles, CSU San Bernardino, CSU East Bay, and your sister campus Cal Poly Pomona. Public colleges and universities in Ohio recently undertook a similar change. Their experiences have confirmed that although the transition will require work, it is possible to do it while taking the interests and concerns of all stakeholders into account.

For example, faculty would spend the same number of hours in the classroom over the academic year as they do now, would have a similar number of minutes of lecture to prepare each week, would probably do less grading (two sets of exams rather than three), and would no longer have to spend Spring Break frantically preparing for a new term. The staff will work the same number of hours and days as they do now, but will in many cases have slightly less work to complete, since there will only be two starts and two ends to academic terms during the main academic year. Students would of course not be set back in their academic progress, but would have their units converted from quarter to semester units and academic departments would be careful in planning programs to ensure full coverage of the relevant material.

Finally, as was true with the quarter-to-semester transitions at the other CSU campuses, the CSU will pay for the vast majority of the direct costs to achieve this transition.

I understand that this decision may not be immediately popular at Cal Poly. I ask you and the rest of the Cal Poly community to adopt the wider perspective on this change that I have laid out above. Under the semester calendar, Cal Poly’s students will still receive 30 weeks a year of world-class education, and, like students at 90% of U.S. colleges and universities, will be able to study the same things they study now.

Thus, everyone at Cal Poly will be at least as well off as they are now, and probably will be better off under a semester calendar. From my perspective, this is a win for everyone—both folks who are at Cal Poly today and those who will find more opportunities to enroll and succeed there tomorrow.

As always, I thank you for your support. Sometimes being a leader means making decisions that are beneficial but initially unpopular. I appreciate your commitment to Cal Poly, the California State University, and the state that we serve.


Joseph I. Castro, Ph.D., M.P.P.

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Semester Conversion is written in Cal Poly green; two arrows, one in sycamore green and one in stadium gold, are between "Semester" in the first row and "Conversion" in second row.