Unit Converter

Please use this reference chart to easily convert quarter and semester units.

For a matrix that includes unit, class time, WTU, and FTE conversions, please download this file (PDF version; Excel version). 

Many thanks to Josh Machamer (jmachame@calpoly.edu), CLA Associate Dean for Operations, for creating this matrix.

Quarter-to-Semester Conversion:  # Divided by 1.5 = Semester Unit
Semester-to-Quarter Conversion: # Multiplied by 1.5 = Quarter Unit

Quarter Units Semester Units
1 0.67
2 1.33
3 2
4 2.67
5 3.33
6 4
7 4.67
8 5.33
9 6
10 6.67
11 7.33
12 8
13 8.67
14 9.33
15 10
180 120


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