Course Numbering System
Courses are generally numbered according to the plan shown here:
Course Number |
Course Type |
0001-0099 |
Non-degree credit |
1000-1999 |
First-year courses |
2000-2999 |
Second-year courses |
3000-3999 |
Third-year courses |
4000-4999 |
Fourth-year courses
Certain fourth-year courses can be used in graduate programs.
5000-5999 |
Graduate-level courses |
8000-8999 |
Continuing Education Units (CEU) |
Special Course Numbers and Identifiers
Courses typically identified by a special character or set of numbers:
Character or Number |
Course Type |
S |
Special/Summer Session courses offered through Extended Education for academic credit |
2200 |
Special Problems for Undergraduates |
2270, 2271 |
Selected Topics (2270) and Laboratories (2271) are offered for one or two semesters and are not intended for future offerings as a regular course. |
4400 |
Special Problems for Advanced Undergraduates |
446x, 447x |
Senior Project |
4470, 4471 |
Selected Advanced Topics (4470) and Laboratories (4471) are offered for one or two semesters and are not intended for future offerings as a regular course. |
5570, 5571 |
Selected Advanced Topics (5570) and Laboratories (5571) are graduate-level topics offered for one or two semesters and are not intended for future offerings as a regular course. |
4485, 5585 |
Cooperative Education (part-time) |
4495, 5595 |
Cooperative Education (full-time) |
5500 |
Individual Study for Graduates
5597 |
Master's Comprehensive Examination
5598 |
Master's Project (Culminating Experience) |
5599 |
Master's Thesis |
Office of the Registrar Guidance
As departments begin to submit course proposals for Semester Conversion, departments are encouraged to utilize the EDIT PROPOSAL functionality as much as possible. Most proposals moving to semester can use the edit form as it now includes the ability to add/edit Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) as well as the Expanded Course Content. An edit proposal should be submitted for courses that are being converted, for courses where you are adding or updating CLOs, combining classes (assuming you do not want to allow students who have taken one of the two courses while on the quarter system to enroll and receive credit for the new class in the semester system), or you are planning to renumber your courses (i.e., upper-division to lower-division, lower-division to upper division, 1000 to 2000, etc.).
A new course proposal should be submitted when the course content is completely new (never offered) or when combining classes and the course content has changed enough that a student who took a quarter version of the course would be allowed to complete the semester version of the course.
The Office of the Registrar is here to help if there are questions at
Remember that workflow for courses is determined by whether the course is a significantly revised course or a converted course. The biggest difference is whether ASCC will be a stop for review of your course. If your course is converted and CLOs are not on file, then it will be sent to ASCC for review.
200, 400, 470/471, 500, 570/571 TYPE COURSES
Special Problems and Selected/Advanced Selected Topic type courses will not be required to complete the Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) or the Expanded Course Content sections of those courses. Typically, these courses are vetted through departments and colleges and have topic specific CLOs and Weekly Outlines. However, it is the departments/colleges responsibility to submit an edit course proposal that updates the course number and units for semester conversion alignment.
Each academic discipline shall be assigned a prefix (subject area) abbreviation used to identify courses related to that discipline. Abbreviations shall be two to four characters. If new prefixes are being requested as part of semester conversion, please contact for additional information.
The Office of the Registrar is working to input the draft plans that were submitted by the January 27, 2023, and will open Program Management for editing to colleges/departments no later than March 1, 2023.
Consultation memos for the purposes of Semester Conversion should be taken care of by the system* and will not be needed for converted or significantly revised courses.

*The screenshot above is taken from a course proposal. This section references the programs and the system will automatically notify the home department with an email that a change was made to that course. The department then can choose to reach out to the proposer with any issues or concerns.
It is highly advised that if changes were made to units outside of converting (i.e., 4 quarter units to 3 semester units) or courses were combined that the proposer ensure all colleges/departments that utilize your course(s) are aware of those changes and possible impacts to their program(s) curricula.
The instances where Consultation Memos will be needed will be the following:
- when a new course (not converted or significantly revised) uses prerequisites from another department
- when a new course (not converted or significantly revised) duplicates some content from another department’s courses
- when a new course (not converted or significantly revised) is being added to a program (major, minor, concentration, specialization, etc.)
Questions concerning the above items or Cal Poly Catalog related matters may be directed to