Program and Curriculum Conversion Definitions

As outlined in the "Resolution to Establish Processes for Curriculum and Academic Program Proposal Review for Conversion to Semesters" (AS-946-22), departments must submit program and curriculum plan proposals to their college curriculum committees by January 27, 2023. Faculty received templates for these proposals (examples of which can be found here) and this guidance from Dr. Rachel Fernflores, Director and Project Manager of Semester Conversion. A Zoom tutorial may also be found here.


Definitions from AS-946-22:

Course Categories and Definitions

Course Category Definition
1. New
  • New course that does not appear in the 2022-2026 Catalog
2. Significantly Revised
  • Course that has modified 50% or more of its course content
  • Course that has significantly modified 50% or more of its Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) or course criteria
  • Course currently has no CLOs and is adding them for the 2026-27 Catalog.
  • Course revised to satisfy General Education (GE) Recertification (AB 928 EO) criteria or adding GE designation
  • Course revised to satisfy United States Cultural Pluralism (USCP) criteria (AS-910-21) or adding USCP designation
  • Course revised to satisfy Graduate Writing Requirement (AS-858-18) or adding GWR designation
  • Course open to non-majors that has changed its mode
  • Changing course from lower- to upper-division or vice versa
  • Adding course prerequisites outside of the college
3. Converted
  • Course that has modified less than 50% of its course content
  • Course that has modified less than 50% of its CLOs or course criteria
  • Course restricted to majors that has changed its mode
  • Changing units with the quarter-unit to semester-unit ratio (e.g., 4 quarter-unit Lecture/Seminar/Discussion to 3 semester units; 1 quarter unit Laboratory to 1 semester unit)
  • Changing course title or description for clarity
  • Removing and adding prerequisites within the college
  • Minimal changes to course title, course description, and descriptions in the Course Delivery and Resources section of the Course Inventory Management
  • Adding or removing modalities
  • Retention of existing articulation for lower-division courses (100-200 level). (Departments that do not want their existing articulation to carry over can request this through the Articulation Officer in the Office of the Registrar.)
4. Deactivated
  • Course will be deactivated at the conclusion of the 2022-2025 Catalog

Program Categories and Definitions

Program Category Definition
1. New
  • New degree program that does not appear in the 2022-2025 Catalog
  • New Minor, Concentration, or Certificate that does not appear in the 2022-2025 Catalog
2. Significantly Revised
  • Significant changes to an undergraduate or graduate degree program, including the following modifications:
    • Restructuring core curriculum or sequence of required courses
    • Adding or removing required courses
    • Adding units to an undergraduate or graduate program
    • Changes to budgetary requirements for the program
    • Undergraduate degree programs that exceed 120 semester units
  • Significant changes to Minor, Concentration, or Certificate, including the following modifications:
    • Restructuring of course curriculum
    • Adding or removing required courses
    • Adding or removing units
3. Converted
  • Minimal changes to a degree program (undergraduate or graduate), Minor, Concentration, or Certificate including the following modifications:
    • Contraction or expansion of course sequences due to the new semester term length
    • Changing course sequences to align more effectively with the semester term length
    • Adding or removing electives
4. Suspended
  • Suspension or degree program (undergraduate or graduate), Minor, Concentration, or Certificate that appears in the 2022-2026 Catalog.



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Semester Conversion is written in Cal Poly green; two arrows, one in sycamore green and one in stadium gold, are between "Semester" in the first row and "Conversion" in second row.