Today, Cal Poly is the last campus within the California State University system still on the quarter calendar. At the request of the Office of the Chancellor, the university was informed in October of 2021 that it would begin the process of converting to a semester calendar, which would be implemented by the start of the 2026-2027 academic year.
Together, faculty and staff are creating the conditions for student success on semesters at Cal Poly. Campus faculty and staff have been working diligently since winter 2022 on our conversion to semesters. Faculty in every department prepared draft academic semester program proposals and proposed over 4,000 courses for our first semester catalog. Working hand-in-hand with staff on the catalog team and in Academic Programs and Planning, the courses and programs are being thoroughly reviewed. Staff in all areas of the university have identified the primary changes they will need to make for semesters and are actively implementing those changes.
Please find campus messages regarding our conversion on the "Campus Communications" page.
Please do not hesitate to contact the semester conversion team if you have any questions.